Thursday, July 8, 2010

First tool

One thing you may discover when posting to a site like craigslist, is that: spammers now employ people to respond to ads and ask simple questions, as if interested in your ad.

If you reply to their fake question in any way, they then have your real email. At that point, they

A) send you a link to where they REALLY want you to go, and/or
B) they add your email address to their "live" email list...

Either way, they will subject you to still more spam.

How to exact revenge?

The easiest thing to do is to publicize THEIR email - inundate THEM with spam. To do this, just copy and paste their return email to any page(s) you can on the web. Leave their email in comments sections, or anywhere else.

When you do this, spammer web robots that roam the web looking for email addresses will copy that address to their live web address book - and bingo - your spammer will now be spammed!

Here's one to start:

That's one who spammed me from craigslist...

OK - you know what to do! Now go do it - but don't spend too much time on it - just get it done and get back to your life!
